Project Management

Truck Driver Appreciation Week

The team at Capstone Logistics knows its success hinges on the dedication of its valued carrier partners. That’s why National Truck Driver Appreciation Week is a major event on the company’s calendar. I was tasked with spearheading a full week of initiatives to celebrate the occasion. This included creative ideation, planning, coordination, budgeting, and promotion. The initiatives I planned and executed are briefly described below. 

"Driver of the Day"

This program put the spotlight on individual drivers and their achievements. Throughout the week, a different driver was featured each day across the company’s social media channels. Each featured driver also received an appreciation package with a branded sweatshirt and other goodies. This simple initiative went beyond “thank you” to create a more connected and supportive environment.

"Thank You" Video

A video montage was created featuring individual messages of gratitude from Capstone team members across all departments. This demonstrated appreciation to drivers and also showcased a strong sense of community and support within Capstone.

Warehouse-Based Initiatives

Drivers delivering into Capstone-operated warehouses were greeted with snacks and the ability to enter a raffle to win $500. Each warehouse was given the freedom to get creative and bring to life their own ideas to promote the raffle. The warehouse with the most creative approach won a $500 team lunch. This initiative created a fun atmosphere within the warehouses and offered a valuable opportunity to connect with a wider pool of carriers, beyond our existing partnerships. 

Gift Cards

Capstone carrier representatives distributed $25 gift cards to popular truck stop restaurants to the drivers they work with. Drivers had the choice of a variety of restaurants, making the reward both convenient and personalized. Driver representatives contacted drivers to wish them a happy National Truck Driver Appreciation Week and record their gift card preference. This simple interaction created a valuable opportunity to engage drivers in more meaningful conversation beyond the typical task-oriented exchanges, enabling relationship building and opportunities to strengthen partnerships and increase business.


A blog post, “4 Ways to Thank Truck Drivers,” was developed to serve as a resource for the broader community. The blog aimed to cultivate a wider culture of appreciation for truck drivers and to identify specific actions that can be taken to support drivers.


Social Media Engagement
Social media posts related to the campaign generated nearly 500 likes and 32 shares, greatly enhancing brand visibility and promoting the company’s image as a driver-centric organization. The company also gained 22 new followers as a result of the campaign, expanding its online community of industry professionals.
New Partnership Opportunities
A total of 256 drivers submitted contact information for the raffle, along with details on carrier affiliation and preferred freight types and routes. This valuable information was shared with Capstone’s carrier team, laying the groundwork for future business partnerships.
Strengthening Existing Partnerships
We distributed 40 gift cards to Capstone’s top drivers, accompanied by strategic calls to each recipient. In order to maximize the impact of these calls, I collaborated with management to develop strategic talking points to guide the conversations.

The carrier team provided enthusiastic feedback on the value of these discussions. As a result of the calls, Capstone expanded business with 10 existing carriers and enrolled 8 carriers into Capstone’s new streamlined payment system, boosting operational efficiency and enhancing carrier satisfaction. Additionally, by providing an opportunity for drivers to speak freely about ongoing concerns, Capstone was able to proactively address concerns and work to alleviate driver pain points.